Research Area Production Systems


The “Production Systems” division deals with the simulation and planning of manufacturing processes as well as work preparation. Another focus is the use of modern CAD/CAM technologies for the analysis and optimization of NC processes. Especially for these tasks, the self-developed modular simulation software "IFW-CutS" is used.

The “Production Planning and Control” department researches the topics of integrated work planning and production control as well as process chain optimization. Further focal points are technology evaluation and intelligent planning of maintenance measures. In addition, the department supports companies in planning process chains and integrating Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES).

The CAD/CAM chain and the technological NC simulation form the research focus of the department "Process Planning and Simulation". A special focus here is on self-optimizing process planning systems. The services offered include the analysis and optimization of NC codes as well as process simulation.

In an independent department, the institute's own NC simulation "IFW CutS" is continuously further developed and adapted to the needs of research and industry. IFW CutS allows the analysis of complex intervention conditions, the prognosis of process variables and the investigation of process-structure interactions. In addition to the simulation of machining manufacturing processes, the software is also used for the simulation of additive manufacturing processes.

Contact of the Research Area Production Systems