Successful doctorate at the IFW: Steffen Heikebrügge

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Steffen Heikebrügge (center) with the examination committee (from left to right): Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Kabelac, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Schaumann, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Berend Denken and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Jürgen Maier

The IFW is delighted that Steffen Heikebrügge successfully completed his doctorate on 20.12.2024. His dissertation on ‘Mechanical machining for fatigue strength enhancement of welded joints in offshore wind energy’ shows how the deep rolling process increases the fatigue strength of offshore monopiles and supports the expansion of wind energy.

In order to achieve the current energy policy goals, the expansion of renewable energies is essential. In Germany, the expansion of offshore wind energy should make a significant contribution to this, as specified in the latest version of the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG). Technical innovations are essential to drive this expansion forward. In particular, an economical design of welded foundation structures (monopiles) for offshore wind turbines is necessary.

As part of his work, Mr. Heikebrügge investigated how the automated deep rolling process established in mechanical engineering can be transferred to powder-welded heavy plates in order to save material and at the same time maintain fatigue strength. The deep rolling process is particularly suitable for integration into the automated production chain for the manufacture of monopiles. He focussed on the geometry, surface and subsurface properties induced by the deep rolling process. Through numerical and experimental investigations, Mr. Heikebrügge was able to develop an understanding of the deformation mechanisms during the deep rolling process. With this knowledge, he identified suitable combinations of tools and process parameters that enable an increase in the fatigue strength of the welded joints investigated.

During his time at the institute, Mr. Heikebrügge worked successfully on the joint project ‘Improved fatigue resistance of welds in wind energy by deep rolling’. Furthermore, Mr. Heikebrügge was engaged in the long-term management of the ‘Tailored Surfaces’ department. Subsequent to his scientific training at the IFW, Mr. Heikebrügge is now looking forward to new challenges with his new employer, Cunova GmbH.

The IFW would like to thank Mr. Heikebrügge for his outstanding work. We congratulate him on his successful doctoral degree and wish him all the best for his personal and professional future.