Production planning and control

© IFW Nico Niemeyer

Reducing rejects, shortening throughput times and saving costs at the same time are the requirements for the production of the future. Essential to achieving these goals is high-performance production planning and control, which reacts efficiently, optimally and as autonomously as possible to planned and unplanned disruptions in production - key words Industry 4.0 and digitization. However, this can only succeed if the appropriate systems and system components are in place. These include, for example, enterprise resource planning and manufacturing execution systems or intelligent simulation and forecasting systems. The selection, further development and support in the use of systems for production optimization are core competencies of IFW. Together we analyze your production system, identify optimization potentials and enable you to exploit them. At the same time, the focus is always on the employees, who are introduced to new topics via a comprehensive range of training courses or can be deployed in a competence-oriented manner with the help of the latest methods for personnel deployment planning.


  • Support in the selection of an ERP or MES
  • Development of individual planning methods for production planning and control
  • Analysis and development of strategies for the targeted optimization of production systems
  • Development of individual simulation models of production systems
  • Simulation-based layout planning and bottleneck analyses

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