Towards Principles for Designing Ontologies for the Production Engineering Domain.,
Proceedings of the 13th International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation : Learning from Nature", 23-26th October, Vienna, Austria, S. 17-18.
Nonlinear Dynamics and Suppression of Grinding Chatter.,
Annals of DAAAM for 2002 & Proceedings of the 13th International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation : Learning from Nature", 23-26th October, Vienna, Austria, S. 137-138.
Kleben von Segmenten. Ein neues Fügeverfahren zur Fertigung von Kreissägeblättern.,
diamond business, 3, S. 25-35.
Bearbeitung keramischer Werkstoffe.,
Wirtschaftliches Zerspanen durch optimale Kühlschmierstoffe, 22./23. November 2001, Technische Akademie Esslingen, Ostfildern, 20 Seiten.
Safe Machining of Magnesium with CVD-DP and Smooth CVD-DP Coated Tools.,
SME (Society of Manufacturing Engineers),Technical Paper FC02-264, 16 Seiten.
Prozeßkette spanende Fertigung: Bewertung von NC-Programmiersystemen.,
CAD-CAM Report, 1, S. 32-35.
3D um jeden Preis? Umfrage zu 2D- und 3D-CAD-Systemen in produzierenden Unternehmen.,
VDI-Z, 144 (2002) 9/10, S. 61-62.
Wirtschaftliche und technologische Aspekte bei der Einsatzvorbereitung hochharter Schleifwerkzeuge.,
10. Internationales Braunschweiger Feinbearbeitungskolloquium (FBK), Feinbearbeitung im neuen Jahrtausend - Innovation und Trends -, 07./09. Oktrober, S. 13.1-13.22.
Reduction of manual finishing in die and mould manufacturing. ,
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (1cmen) and EUREKA Partnering Event, 3-4 October 2002, Sani, Halkidiki, Greece, S. 75-83.
Development of advanced tools for economic and ecological grinding of granite.,
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (1cmen) and EUREKA Partnering Event, 3-4 October 2002, Sani, Halkidiki, Greece, S. 239-252.
What high speed cutting really means.,
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (1cmen) and EUREKA Partnering Event, 3-4 October 2002, Sani, Halkidiki, Greece, S. 3-8.
High-efficient machining in aerospace-materials.,
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (1cmen) and EUREKA Partnering Event, 3-4 October 2002, Sani, Halkidiki, Greece, S. 117-125.
Fatigue strength of hard turned components.,
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (1cmen) and EUREKA Partnering Event, 3-4 October 2002, Sani, Halkidiki, Greece, S. 185-194.
Grinding natural stone materials with diamond tools.,
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (1cmen) and EUREKA Partnering Event, 3-4 October 2002, Sani, Halkidiki, Greece, S. 273-280.
Wire sawing tools for steel and aluminium components.,
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (1cmen) and EUREKA Partnering Event, 3-4 October 2002, Sani, Halkidiki, Greece, S. 253-262.
Zirkular durch CFK.,
phi - Produktionstechnik Hannover informiert, 3 (2002) Januar, S. 14-15.
Advanced Production and Process Technologies for Current and Future Thrust Chambers of Liquid Rocket Engines.,
4th International Conference on Launcher Technology "Space Launcher Liquid Propulsion", 3-6 December 2002, Liege, Belgium, 15 Seiten.
Vom Kugelschreiber über das Automobil bis zum Flugzeug. Simulationen in der Fertigungstechnik helfen.,
Unimagazin Hannover, 12 (2002) S. 22-25.
Zirkularfräsen bei der Bohrungsbearbeitung von CFK/Aluminum-Verbundmaterial.,
Industrie Diamanten Rundschau - IDR, 36 (2002) 3, S. 196-201.
Anzahl der gefundenen Publikationen:
Integrative Factory, Technology and Product Roadmapping.,
2nd International Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production, 23 July 2007, Toronto, 11 Seiten, 2007.
Activities of I*PROMS on Advanced Production Machines. ,
IMS Workshop: Strategies for Global Manufacturing - A European View of IMS, 15 November 2007, ETH Zürich, Schweiz, 27 Seiten.
From Conditiion Monitoring to Wear Prognosis and Predictive Maintenance. ,
XVII Workshop on Supervising and Diagnostics of Machining Systems, 13. March 2006, Karpacz, Poland, 24 Seiten.
Einsatz von Laserstrahlung zur Verbesserung der Bauteilqualität von Karosserieblechen. Prozess: Laserstrahlumformen.,
World Laser Summer School 2006, 28. Juni 2006, Hannover, 13 Seiten.
Einsatz von Laserstrahlung zur Verbesserung der Bauteilqualität von Karosserieblechen. Prozess: Laserstrahlumformen.,
World Laser Summer School 2006, 28. Juni 2006, Hannover, 13 Seiten.