Publikationen des Instituts für Fertigungstechnik und Werkzeugmaschinen

Hier finden Sie die Dissertationen des IFW
Hier finden Sie die Patente des IFW
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58
Anzahl der gefundenen Publikationen: 4846
  • Denkena, B., Brühne, T.: (2017): Feinpositionierung und Prozesskrafterkennung mittels MagnetlagerDer Ingenieurspiegel, 1/2017, S. 27-28. | Datei |
  • Brüning, J., Denkena, B., Dittrich, M.-A., Hocke, T.: (2017): Machine Learning Approach for Optimization of Automated Fiber Placement Processes1st CIRP Conference on Composite Materials Parts Manufacturing, Procedia CIRP 66 (2017), S. 74 - 78. | Datei |
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2017.03.295
    Konferenz (reviewed)
  • Denkena, B., Bergmann, B., Lepper, T.: (2017): Design and optimization of a machining robot17th Machining Innovations Conference for Aerospace Industry, MIC 2017, 6-7 December 2017, Garbsen, Germany, Procedia Manufacturing 14 (2017), S. 89-96. | Datei |
    Konferenz (reviewed)
  • Schmidt, C., Denkena, B., Hocke, T., Völtzer, K.: (2017): Influence of AFP process parameters on the temperature distribution used for thermal in-process monitoring1st CIRP Conference on Composite Materials Parts Manufacturing, Procedia CIRP 66 (2017), S. 68 - 73. | Datei |
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2017.03.220
    Konferenz (reviewed)
  • Denkena, B., Mücke, M., Dahlmann, D.: (2017): Sensory workpiecesCyber-Physical and Gentelligent Systems in Manufacturing and Life Cycle. Genetics and Intelligence - Keys to Industry 4.0, edited by Denkena, B., Mörke, T., S. 316-331. | Datei |
    Beiträge in Büchern (reviewed)
  • Denkena, B., Dittrich, M.-A., Winter, F.: (2017): Competence-based personnel scheduling through production dataThe 50th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, 03. - 05.05.2017, Taichung, China, 6 S. | Datei |
    Konferenz (reviewed)
  • Denkena, B., Grove, T., Prasanthan, V., Eigenmann, B., Heni, Z., Feldmann, G., Brinkhaus, J.: (2017): Effects of an innovative deep rolling process on the subsurface properties of thin-walled componentsProceedings ICSP -13, Polytechnique Montreál, 18.09.-21.09.2017, S. 516-520. | Datei |
    Zeitschriften/Aufsätze (reviewed)
  • Bouzakis, K.-D., Charalampous, P., Kotsanis, T., Skordaris, G., Bouzakis, E., Denkena, B., Breidenstein, B., Aurich, J. C., Zimmermann, M., Herrmann, T., M’Saoubi, R.: (2017): Effect of hm substrates' cutting edge roundness manufactured by laser machining and micro-blasting on the coated tools' cutting performance13th "THE-A-Coatings", 5-6 October 2017, S. 3-19. | Datei |
    Konferenz (reviewed)
  • Beblein, S., Breidenstein, B., Denkena, B.: (2017): On the thermal insulation effect of PVD-AlCrN-coated cutting tools in continuous turning of AlSl 414013th "THE-A-Coatings", 5-6 October 2017, S. 53-61. | Datei |
    Konferenz (reviewed)
  • Breidenstein, B., Beblein, S., Denkena, B.: (2017): Laser heat treatment of PVD-(Al,Ti) N-coated carbide cutting tools and its effect on tool wear13th "THE-A-Coatings", 5-6 October 2017, S. 41-49. | Datei |
    Konferenz (reviewed)
  • Denkena, B., Klemme, H., Bergmann, B., Müller, M.: (2017): Mit neuartigem Längenausgleich zu höherer Verfügbarkeit WB - Werkstatt und Betrieb, 10 (2017), S. 14-16. | Datei |
  • Breidenstein, B., Denkena, B., Mörke, T., Prasanthan, V.: (2017): Non-Destructive Determination of Residual Stress Depth Profiles of Hybrid Components by Energy Dispersive Residual Stress MeasurementKey Engineering Materials, Vol. 742 (2017), S. 613 - 620. | Datei |
    DOI: 10.4028/
    Zeitschriften/Aufsätze (reviewed)
  • Denkena, B., Dahlmann, D., Peters, R., Witt, M.: (2017): MODEL BASED COMPENSATION OF GEOMETRICAL DEVIATIONS DUE TO PROCESS FORCES Journal of Machine Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 1 (2017), S. 5 - 16. | Datei |
    Zeitschriften/Aufsätze (reviewed)
  • Denkena, B., Bergmann, B., Lepper, T.: (2017): Auslegung und Optimierung eines ZerspanungsrobotersVDI-Z, 159 (2017), Nr. 9, S. 67-69. | Datei |
  • Pape, F., Neubauer, T., Maiß, O., Denkena, B., Poll, G.: (2017): Influence of Residual Stresses Introduced by Manufacturing Processes on Bearing Endurance TimeTribology Letters, (2017), S. 65 - 70. | Datei |
    DOI: 10.1007/s11249-017-0855-3
    Zeitschriften/Aufsätze (reviewed)
  • Denkena, B., Grove, T., Tatzig, L.: (2017): Trockener StahlschnittDer Betonbohrer, Ausgabe 41 (2017), S. 58-59. | Datei |
  • Denkena, B., Horst, P., Schmidt, C., Behr, M., Krieglsteiner, J.: (2017): Estimation of production cost in an early design stage of CFRP lightweight structures 10th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering - CIRP ICME '16, Procedia CIRP 62 (2017), S. 45-50. | Datei |
    Konferenz (reviewed)
  • Denkena, B., Boujnah, H.: (2017): Feeling machineCyber-Physical and Gentelligent Systems in Manufacturing and Life Cycle. Genetics and Intelligence - Keys to Industry 4.0, edited by Denkena, B., Mörke, T., S. 308-315. | Datei |
    Beiträge in Büchern (reviewed)
  • Denkena, B., Boujnah, H.: (2017): Online monitoring and control of tool deflection in millingCyber-Physical and Gentelligent Systems in Manufacturing and Life Cycle. Genetics and Intelligence - Keys to Industry 4.0, edited by Denkena, B., Mörke, T., S. 368-378. | Datei |
    Beiträge in Büchern (reviewed)
  • Denkena, B., Grove, T., Mücke, A., Langen, D., Nespor, D., Hassel, T.: (2017): Residual stress formation after re-contouring of micro-plasma welded Ti6Al4 V parts by means of ball end milling. Eigenspannungsprofile an mikroplasmageschweißten und spanend rekonturierten Komponenten der Legierung Ti6Al4V Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech. 2017, 48, S. 1034–1039. | Datei |
    DOI: DOI 10.1002/mawe.2016007431034
    Zeitschriften/Aufsätze (reviewed)
  • Vortrag

    22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
    Anzahl der gefundenen Publikationen: 705
  • Wulf, S., Nyhuis, P., Denkena, B., Blümel, P.: (2007): Integrative Factory, Technology and Product Roadmapping.2nd International Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production, 23 July 2007, Toronto, 11 Seiten, 2007.
  • Henning, H.: (2007): Activities of I*PROMS on Advanced Production Machines. IMS Workshop: Strategies for Global Manufacturing - A European View of IMS, 15 November 2007, ETH Zürich, Schweiz, 27 Seiten.
  • Denkena, B., Radons, G., Blümel, P.: (2006): From Conditiion Monitoring to Wear Prognosis and Predictive Maintenance. XVII Workshop on Supervising and Diagnostics of Machining Systems, 13. March 2006, Karpacz, Poland, 24 Seiten.
  • Huke, P.: (2006): Einsatz von Laserstrahlung zur Verbesserung der Bauteilqualität von Karosserieblechen. Prozess: Laserstrahlumformen.World Laser Summer School 2006, 28. Juni 2006, Hannover, 13 Seiten.
  • Huke, P.: (2006): Einsatz von Laserstrahlung zur Verbesserung der Bauteilqualität von Karosserieblechen. Prozess: Laserstrahlumformen.World Laser Summer School 2006, 28. Juni 2006, Hannover, 13 Seiten.