Crushing Process for Vitreous Bonded CBN and Diamond Grinding Wheels.,
Annals of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering (WGP), Production Engineering, Vol. VIII (2001) Ausgabe 1, S. 13-16.
Zeitschriften/Aufsätze (reviewed)
Application of Concepts of Engineering Data Management to Maintenance.,
5th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2001), 22.-25. Juli 2001, Orlando, Florida, USA, 6 Seiten.
Fertigung bioresorbierbarer Gefaesswandstuetzen mittels Femtosekunden-Lasertechnologie.,
3. Symposium: Neue Technologien fuer die Medizin, 10.-11. Mai 2001, Aachen, S. 221-243.
Controlled CO2 Laser Cutting on the Border to Beginning of Plasma.,
LASE 2001, Laser Plasma Generation and Diagnostics, Photonics West, January 23.-26., 2001, San Jose, USA, S. 80-89.
An Internet Based Negotiation System for Laser Job Shops - Requirements, Concepts and First Results.,
Laser 2001 - World of Photonics, 18.-22. Juni 2001, München, S. 50.
Precision Machining of Optical Materials with 157 nm Excimer Laser Radiation.,
2nd International Conference and 3rd General Meeting of the euspen, 27.-31. 05. 2001, Turin, Italy, S. 70-73.
NC-Grinding of Dies and Moulds.,
Proceedings of 1st International Seminar on Progress in Innovative Manufacturing Engineering, PRIME 2001, 20-22 June 2001, Sestri Levante (Genoa), Italy, S. 173-176.
Comparison of Laser Processes to Achieve Conductive Surface Areas on Ceramics.,
2nd Int. Conf. and 3rd General Meeting of the euspen, 27.-31.05.2001, Turin, Italy, Bd. 1, S. 128-131.
Transportable machining unit with hybrid kinematic structure for flexible maintenance of large metal forming tools.,
Proceedings of the 34th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, 16-18 May 2001, Athens, Greece, S. 7-10.
Fast IR-Profile Measurement and Visual Inspection for Online Quality Control During Laser Seam Welding.,
Laser in Manufacturing 2001, Proc. of the First International WLT-Conference on Lasers Manufacturing, Munich 2001, S. 123-135.
Planning of manufacturing systems with methods analogous to nature.,
International CIRP Design Seminar, Design in the New Economy, June 6-8, 2001, Stockholm, Sweden, S. 255-260.
Structuring Silicon with Femtosecond Lasers.,
LASE 2001, High Power and Laser Applications, Photonics West, January 20.-26., 2001, San Jose, USA, S. 88-97.
Concepts for Coolant Reduction in Grinding.,
Proceedings of ICEM-ASIA 2000, International Committee on Environment and Manufacturing, November 23-25, 2000, Shanghai, China, S. 93-99.
Processing of Transparent and Dielektric Materials with Deep UV- and VUV Excimer Laser Radiation.,
Int. Journal of Electrical Machining (IJEM), Ausgabe Jan., S. 27-32.
A Tool to Support Collaborative Product Development in Customer-Supplier Chains.,
International CIRP Design Seminar, Design in the New Economy, June 6-8, 2001, Stockholm, Sweden, S. 85-89.
Auslegung und Regelung eines lineardirekt angetriebenen Hexapoden.,
4. VDI Mechatronik Tagung 2001, Innovative Produktentwicklungen, 12./13. September 2001, Frankenthal, S. 425-446.
Virtual planning of highly flexible and reconfigurable manufacturing systems.,
34th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, 16-18 May 2001, Athens, Greece, S. 23-28.
Positionierung technologischer Schnittstellen. Verfahrensbewertung und- auswahl mit Hilfe von Verfahrenskatalogen. ,
wt Werkstattstechnik online erscheint in VDI-Z, S. 19, 91 (2001) H.6, S. 338-341.
Automatisierte Qualitätskontrolle in der Formteil-Serienproduktion.,
Internationaler Rohbau Expertenkreis: "8. Fachtagung Prozesskette Karosserie", 4/2001, Stuttgart, S. 207-223.
Synthesis and Adaptation of Multiagent Communication Protocols in the Production Engineering Domain.,
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Emergent Synthesis (IWES'01), March 12-13, 2001, Bled, Slovenia, S. 73-82.
Anzahl der gefundenen Publikationen:
Integrative Factory, Technology and Product Roadmapping.,
2nd International Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production, 23 July 2007, Toronto, 11 Seiten, 2007.
Activities of I*PROMS on Advanced Production Machines. ,
IMS Workshop: Strategies for Global Manufacturing - A European View of IMS, 15 November 2007, ETH Zürich, Schweiz, 27 Seiten.
From Conditiion Monitoring to Wear Prognosis and Predictive Maintenance. ,
XVII Workshop on Supervising and Diagnostics of Machining Systems, 13. March 2006, Karpacz, Poland, 24 Seiten.
Einsatz von Laserstrahlung zur Verbesserung der Bauteilqualität von Karosserieblechen. Prozess: Laserstrahlumformen.,
World Laser Summer School 2006, 28. Juni 2006, Hannover, 13 Seiten.
Einsatz von Laserstrahlung zur Verbesserung der Bauteilqualität von Karosserieblechen. Prozess: Laserstrahlumformen.,
World Laser Summer School 2006, 28. Juni 2006, Hannover, 13 Seiten.